Dataset for ‘Views about integrated smoking cessation and IAPT treatment’

Data included in this dataset contains transcripts of in-depth interviews with psychological wellbeing practitioners (PWPs), Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) patients, and stop smoking advisors recruited from IAPT and smoking cessation services in England. Interviews aimed to understand stakeholders’ views about integrating smoking cessation treatment into outpatient psychological services for common mental illness.

Smoking cessation, depression, anxiety, improving access to psychological therapies, tobacco smoking treatment, primary health care

Cite this dataset as:
Taylor, G., Sawyer, K., Kessler, D., Munafò, M., Aveyard, P., Shaw, A., 2020. Dataset for ‘Views about integrated smoking cessation and IAPT treatment’. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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Access on request: Restricted access data. External users to submit a request to access the data after it is published, to the University of Bath and Dr Gemma Taylor (


Gemma Taylor
University of Bath

Katherine Sawyer
University of Bath

David Kessler
University of Bristol

Marcus Munafò
University of Bristol

Paul Aveyard
University of Oxford

Alison Shaw
University of Bristol


University of Bath
Rights Holder


Collection date(s):

From 1 September 2017 to 30 April 2018


Data collection method:

We conducted semi-structured interviews with IAPT psychological wellbeing practitioners (PWPs) and patients, and stop smoking service advisors. Sampling and recruitment: We recruited participants from IAPT services and smoking cessation services in England until we generated adequate information power. Participants were all aged >18-years. PWPs and smoking cessation advisors were recruited using a snowballing strategy at the local service level. We interviewed a range of males and females, including those were newly qualified (at least 1 year) or who were more experienced in their role (>2 years). IAPT patients were recruited by PWPs during IAPT appointments, using a purposive approach to ensure that participants had with a variety of common mental illness (all treatable in IAPT). IAPT PWPs were non- or ex-smokers. Smoking cessation advisors had provided smoking cessation treatment to people with mental disorders, and were employed in a National Centre for Smoking Cessation Training (NCSCT) trained stop smoking service. IAPT patients had a current form of depression and/or anxiety, were currently receiving IAPT treatment or had completed treatment within a year of the interview, and had smoked daily for at least a year. Data collection: Interviews were conducted between September 2017 and April 2018. Participants were interviewed in-person or by telephone. All interviews were audio recorded and lasted typically 60 minutes. Topic guides were used to assist questioning during semi-structured individual interviews with flexibility to reflect emergent findings. The interviewer (GT) used open-ended questioning to elicit participants’ own experiences and views and participants were asked to provide examples to avoid reliance on ‘hypothetical’ accounts. Data were transcribed by a third-party service. To ensure quality of data transcription a researcher did a 50% check of audio data against the transcripts. Participants were not paid for their contribution to the study, but were provided with sustenance during the interview, and travel costs were reimbursed.

Data processing and preparation activities:

All transcripts were anonymised and personal identifying information removed.


Fellowship - Acceptability and feasibility of delivering a bespoke smoking cessation treatment in community mental health settings for people with depression

Publication details

Publication date: 11 December 2020
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Taylor, G. M. J., Sawyer, K., Kessler, D., Munafò, M. R., Aveyard, P., and Shaw, A., 2020. Views about integrating smoking cessation treatment within psychological services for patients with common mental illness: A multi‐perspective qualitative study. Health Expectations, 24(2), 411-420. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Gemma Taylor


Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences