Dataset for mid IR gas laser

The data to generate figures 3 – 8:
1. Csv file (Figure 3(a)): contains the attenuations of the feedback fiber for figure 3(a) ;
2. Csv file (Figure 3(b)): contains the P(9) absorption line for figure 3 (b);
3. Csv file (Figure 4(a)): contains optical spectra for different pump transitions in figure 4(a);
4. Csv file (Figure 5(a)): contains the CW pump power/output power and stability of laser output as a function of time for figure 5(a);
5. Csv file (Figure 5(b)): contains the stability of laser output as a function of time for figure 5(b);
6. Csv file (Figure 5(b) inset): contains the mode profile of 3um laser for figure 5(b) inset;
7. Csv file (Figure 6): contains the Measured output power as a function of pump repetition rate for figure 6;
8. Csv file (Figure 7): contains pump power/output power at selected repetition rates shown in figure 7.
9. Zip file (Figure 8): contains csv file of radio frequency spectra (a), optical spectra (b) and time dependence (c) for the pump (blue) and the laser (red) at selected repetition rates shown in figure 8.

Cite this dataset as:
Knight, J., Wadsworth, W., Yu, F., Abu Hassan, M., 2016. Dataset for mid IR gas laser. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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The fiber attenuation was measured by using the cut-back method. The Tungsten lamp was used as the whitelight source. A 300 mm focal length scanning spectrometer (Bentham Instruments TMc300) was used for all spectral measurements at mid-infrared wavelengths, which has a 300 lines/mm grating and a liquid-nitrogen-cooled InAs detector (Electro-Optical Systems S-010-LN4).

The acetylene (12C2H2) P(9) absorption near 1530 nm was measured by recording the transmission of CW laser after 10 m gain fiber filled with 0.3 mbar acetylene gas. A thermal power meter (Ophir 3A-SH) was used to measure the laser power. The tunable laser diode (ID Photonics GMBH, CoBrite DX1, linewidth <100 kHz, maximum output power ~40 mW) was used as a source after amplification.

The spectral measurements were performed using a 300 mm focal length scanning spectrometer (Bentham Instruments TMc300) fitted with a 300 lines/mm grating and a liquid-nitrogen-cooled InAs detector (Electro-Optical Systems S-010-LN4).

The pump powers referred to in Figs 5 (a) were measured after the dichroic mirror and before the input lens and window.Measurements of optical powers were performed using a thermal power meter (Ophir 3A-SH).

Stability of laser output as a function of time in the fig 5 (b), was measured at 10 Hz sampling rate over more than one hour. A high gain detector (Thorlab PDA20H-EC) was used to directly measure the lasing power.

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The mode profile (inset Fig 5 (b)), was measured by using a two-dimensional scan with a short piece of feedback fiber (less than 3 m) across the output beam. The fiber was mounted on a 2D scanning translation device and connected with a high gain detector (Thorlab PDA20H-EC). The whole scan was controlled by LABView software.

All the pump powers shown in Figure 6 were measured after the dichroic mirror with a thermal power meter (Ophir 3A-SH).

All the pump powers shown in Figure 7 were measured after the dichroic mirror with a thermal power meter (Ophir 3A-SH).
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Time-dependent (Figs 8 (a & c)) measurements used a high speed HgCdTe detector (Vigo PVI-3.4-1×1- TO39-NO WINDOW-35, 1ns rise time) for 3.1 µm and a high speed InGaAs detector (Thorlabs DET01CFC) for 1.5 µm.A 350 MHz digital oscilloscope (Agilent InfiniiVision DSO-X-3032A) and 6 GHz spectrum analyzer (Agilent CSA Spectrum Analyzer) were used for measurements.The spectral measurements in Fig. 8b, was used a liquid-nitrogen-cooled InAs detector (Electro-Optical Systems S-010-LN4).


Fei Yu
University of Bath

Muhammad Rosdi Abu Hassan
University of Bath


University of Bath
Rights Holder


Temporal coverage:

From 1 November 2014 to 10 June 2015


Data collection method:

The fiber attenuation was measured by using the cut-back method. The Tungsten lamp was used as the whitelight source. A 300 mm focal length scanning spectrometer (Bentham Instruments TMc300) was used for all spectral measurements at mid-infrared wavelengths, which has a 300 lines/mm grating and a liquid-nitrogen-cooled InAs detector (Electro-Optical Systems S-010-LN4). . The acetylene (12C2H2) P(9) absorption near 1530 nm was measured by recording the transmission of CW laser after 10 m gain fiber filled with 0.3 mbar acetylene gas. A thermal power meter (Ophir 3A-SH) was used to measure the laser power. The tunable laser diode (ID Photonics GMBH, CoBrite DX1, linewidth <100 kHz, maximum output power ~40 mW) was used as a source after amplification. All the pump powers shown in Figs 4 (a) and 6 were measured after the dichroic mirror with a thermal power meter (Ophir 3A-SH). Stability of laser output as a function of time in the fig 5 (b), was measured at 10 Hz sampling rate over more than one hour. A high gain detector (Thorlab PDA20H-EC) was used to directly measure the lasing power. The mode profile (inset Fig 5 (b)), was measured by using a two-dimensional scan with a short piece of feedback fiber (less than 3 m) across the output beam. The fiber was mounted on a 2D scanning translation device and connected with a high gain detector (Thorlab PDA20H-EC). The whole scan was controlled by LABView software. Time-dependent (Figs 8 (a & c)) measurements used a high speed HgCdTe detector (Vigo PVI-3.4-1×1- TO39-NO WINDOW-35, 1ns rise time) for 3.1 µm and a high speed InGaAs detector (Thorlabs DET01CFC) for 1.5 µm.A 350 MHz digital oscilloscope (Agilent InfiniiVision DSO-X-3032A) and 6 GHz spectrum analyzer (Agilent CSA Spectrum Analyzer) were used for measurements

Documentation Files

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Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

New Fibres for New Lasers

Publication details

Publication date: 2016
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Abu Hassan, M. R., Yu, F., Wadsworth, W. J., and Knight, J. C., 2016. Cavity-based mid-IR fiber gas laser pumped by a diode laser. Optica, 3(3), 218. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Jonathan Knight


Faculty of Science