Dataset for "The future of community pharmacy in England: policy, stakeholder and public perspectives"

This archive consists of three related datasets that underpin the associated PhD thesis.

The first dataset relates to a policy review of professional and governmental policy on community pharmacy in England (2008-2017). It consists of data extracted from 25 policies relating to their content, context (social, economic and political), policymaking process and actors involved, and the subsequent coding of these data through thematic analysis.

The second dataset relates to a qualitative interview study with 25 community pharmacy stakeholders to explore their expectations for the future of community pharmacy practice in England. It consists of data collected and analysed to select interviewees via a stakeholder mapping process, the materials developed to support the interviews (e.g. topic guide, participant information), transcriptions of the 25 interviews and the subsequent coding of these data through thematic analysis.

The third dataset relates to a qualitative, reconvened focus group study with 11 community pharmacy users to explore their perceptions, awareness and future expectations of community pharmacy in England. It consists of the materials developed to support the focus groups (e.g. topic guide, participant information), transcriptions of the four focus groups meetings and the subsequent coding of these data through thematic analysis.

Medical and health interface

Cite this dataset as:
Paloumpi, E., Ozieranski, P., Watson, M., Jones, M., 2023. Dataset for "The future of community pharmacy in England: policy, stakeholder and public perspectives". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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Mixed access regime: The Policy Review data is available on request to bone fide researchers only.


Evina Paloumpi
University of Bath

Margaret Watson
University of Strathclyde

Matthew Jones
University of Bath


University of Bath
Rights Holder


Data collection method:

Full details of the methodology used are available in the associated open access PhD thesis.

Technical details and requirements:

Thematic analysis coding can be viewed using NVivo software.

Methodology link:

Paloumpi, E., 2022. The future of community pharmacy in England: policy, stakeholder and public perspectives. Thesis (PhD). University of Bath. Available from:


application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document (25kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Interview schedule

application/pdf (410kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Focus group topic guide

Legal and Ethical Documents
application/zip (430kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

The invitation letter for the interview study, the participant information sheet, and the consent form
application/zip (871kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

The recruitment materials for the focus group study, the participant information sheet, the consent form, and the informative materials given to participants in between the initial and reconvened focus groups


Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals

Harold and Marjorie Moss Charitable Trust Fund

Publication details

Publication date: 18 December 2023
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Paloumpi, E., Ozieranski, P., Watson, M. C., and Jones, M. D., 2023. Professional and governmental policy on community pharmacy: A 10-year policy review and comparative analysis (2008–2017). Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy, 11, 100298. Available from:

Paloumpi, E., Ozieranski, P., Watson, M. C., and Jones, M. D., 2023. Professional stakeholders’ expectations for the future of community pharmacy practice in England: a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 13(10), e075069. Available from:

Paloumpi, E., Ozieranski, P., Watson, M. C., and Jones, M. D., 2023. Pharmacy users’ perceptions, awareness and future expectations of community pharmacy in England: a focus group study. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 32(1), 39-45. Available from:

Related theses

Paloumpi, E., 2022. The future of community pharmacy in England: policy, stakeholder and public perspectives. Thesis (PhD). University of Bath. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Matthew Jones


Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Politics, Languages and International Studies

Faculty of Science
Life Sciences