Peacification. Data for the elaboration of the social realities peace and security framing constitutes in conflicts.

This data reveals the association between peace and security framing in US presidential speech on the one hand, and the US impact on fatalities in US conflicts on the other. Specifically, it compares the frequency of certain key terms and references in presidential speech from the period 1993-2014, as they were coded from the text in the “Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States”, with statistics on fatalities of organised violence during the same period, drawn from Uppsala University's UCDP Georeferenced Event Dataset.

Political science and international studies

Cite this dataset as:
Kivimäki, T., 2025. Peacification. Data for the elaboration of the social realities peace and security framing constitutes in conflicts. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:



final data.dta
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Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Data supporting the associated article's quantitative elaboration


Do File Peacifi … 20250109.docx
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Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Transcript of the Stata do-file that also defines each of the variables in the data; while the embedded comments are informative, a separate codebook is also provided


Timo Kivimäki
University of Bath


University of Bath
Rights Holder


Temporal coverage:

From 1 January 1993 to 31 December 2013


Data collection method:

The data is based on NVivo content analysis of US Presidential Papers from 1993 until the end of 2013, for the period of humanitarian interventionism. The quantified textual data is then moved to StataB 18 package, and merged with data from Uppsala University's UCDP Georeferenced Event Dataset (GED) Global version 24.1: - Davies, Shawn, Garoun Engström, Therese Pettersson & Magnus Öberg (2024). Organized violence 1989-2023, and the prevalence of organized crime groups. Journal of Peace Research 61(4). - Sundberg, Ralph and Erik Melander (2013) Introducing the UCDP Georeferenced Event Dataset. Journal of Peace Research 50(4). Some of the word frequency calculations are from the following dataset: - Kivimäki, T., 2019. Coding of US Presidential discourse on protection. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive.

Technical details and requirements:

Textual content analysis is created by using NVivo R 1.6 package while the preparation of conflict data has been created by using StataB 18 package.

Additional information:

The data consists of coding of text as explained in the codebook, and monthly observations of conflict data as explained in the codebook and in the associated article.

Methodology link:

Davies, S., Engström, G., Pettersson, T., and Öberg, M., 2024. Organized violence 1989–2023, and the prevalence of organized crime groups. Journal of Peace Research, 61(4), 673-693. Available from:

Sundberg, R., and Melander, E., 2013. Introducing the UCDP Georeferenced Event Dataset. Journal of Peace Research, 50(4), 523-532. Available from:

Kivimäki, T., 2019. Coding of US Presidential discourse on protection. Version 1. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Kivimäki, T., 2025. Is Securitisation a Natural and Useful Response to Existential Threats? Introducing the Idea of Peacification. Social Sciences, 14(1), 43. Available from:

Documentation Files

Codebook Final.docx
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document (24kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Explanation of the data and its variables


Global Challenges Research Fund

Conflict and peace-building in the MENA region: is social protection the missing link?

Publication details

Publication date: 15 January 2025
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Kivimäki, T., 2025. Is Securitisation a Natural and Useful Response to Existential Threats? Introducing the Idea of Peacification. Social Sciences, 14(1), 43. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.


Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Politics, Languages and International Studies