Data set for "Creation of regular arrays of faceted AlN nanostructures via a combined top-down, bottom-up approach"

The original data for parts of all figures in the paper, "Creation of regular arrays of faceted AlN nanostructures via a combined top-down, bottom-up approach", both in the main text and supplementary material, is provided here. Figures 1-5, 7 (all) are all .bmp files corresponding to raw scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images. Figure 6 (all) are JPEG files and correspond to growth mechanism schematics. Figure 8.eps and Figure 8 Raw Data.csv files are the plot presented in the main text, and the raw data file corresponding to this plot respectively. Figures 9-11 Supplementary Material are all atomic force microscopy (AFM) figures before any calibration adjustments. Figure 12 Supplementary Information.eps and Figure 12 Supplementary Information Raw Data.csv are the plot and the corresponding raw data file respectively presented in the supplementary material.

MOVPE Regrowth, AlN nanostructures, Potential UVC applications, Potential Site-Controlled Quantum Dot Applications, SEM images, AFM images, Aluminium nitride, Nanofabrication
Materials processing
Materials sciences

Cite this dataset as:
Armstrong, R., Coulon, P., Bozinakis, P., Martin, R., Shields, P., 2020. Data set for "Creation of regular arrays of faceted AlN nanostructures via a combined top-down, bottom-up approach". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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Zip file of all the raw data taken and presented in the associated publication and supplementary information. Files here include SEM images (.bmp), growth mechanism schematics (.jpg), plots and corresponding raw data files (.eps and .csv respectively) and AFM images.


Robert Armstrong
Data Collector
University of Bath

Pierre-Marie Coulon
Related Person
University of Bath

Pavlos Bozinakis
Data Collector
University of Strathclyde

Robert W. Martin
University of Strathclyde

Philip Shields
University of Bath


University of Bath
Rights Holder


Data collection method:

AlN nanostructures were fabricated and then MOVPE regrowth experiments were performed upon different regrown nanostructures. The data taken in the main text was in the form of SEM images. Other than figure 5, these were taken with a Hitachi Field-Emission S-4300 SE using a 5 kV electron beam using secondary electron detection. Figure 5 was taken with a FEI Quanta 250 variable pressure SEM, again detecting the secondary electron signal. The AFM images in the supplementary information were taken using a Bruker multimode IIIA AFM, utilising high resolution, high aspect ratio AFM tips.

Data processing and preparation activities:

Some of the SEM images were modified to have different contrast and brightness levels compared to the original images taken. Also, the images were cropped to remove the bottom and a scale bar inserted in to make them more aesthetically pleasing. The AFM images in the supplementary material were calibrated to be scaled properly as the raw data was distorted to some extent.

Technical details and requirements:

All SEM images (Figure 1-4, 7) apart from Figure 5 were taken with a Hitachi Field-Emission S-4300 SE using a 5 kV electron beam using secondary electron detection. Figure 5 was taken with a FEI Quanta 250 variable pressure SEM, detecting the secondary electron signal. Blender 2.83 was used to produce the 3-dimensional growth mechanism schematics in Figure 6. ImageJ 1.52a was used to extract quantitative data from the SEM images - this was presented in the two plots presented in the main text and supplementary information respectively (Figure 8 and Figure 12 supplementary information). The actual plotting of the data itself was performed using the Origin 8.5.1 software package. The AFM images presented in the supplementary material (Figures 9-11 supplementary material) were calibrated and analysed using the Gwyddion 2.55 software package (

Additional information:

The data is organised in order according to each of the Figures presented in the associated publication and supplementary information.


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Condensed Matter Physics

Publication details

Publication date: 1 August 2020
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Armstrong, R., Coulon, P.-M., Bozinakis, P., Martin, R.W., and Shields, P.A., 2020. Creation of regular arrays of faceted AlN nanostructures via a combined top-down, bottom-up approach. Journal of Crystal Growth, 548, 125824. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Robert Armstrong


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Condensed Matter Physics CDT