Dataset for "Composite hydrogel spheroids based on cellulose nanofibrils and nanofibrous chiral coordination polymer by green synthesis"

This dataset contains data combined SAXS/WAXS data, rheology data, optical microscopy data (extracted using ImageJ) and powder X-ray diffraction data for hydrogel spheroids based on TEMPO-oxidised cellulose nanofibrils and a nanofibrous copper(II) aspartate coordination polymer. The data are provided in the form of Excel files and relate to figures presented in the main text and supplementary information of the publication "Composite hydrogel spheroids based on cellulose nanofibrils and nanofibrous chiral coordination polymer by green synthesis".

The file "Fig3B_data_SAXS-WAXS.xlsx" contains combined SAXS and WAXS data for the main text Figure 3B, which comprises combined SAXS and WAXS patterns for pure Cu-Asp as reference (prepared in water) and OCNF dispersions containing L-Asp at the following concentrations: a) 0 mM (control sample), b) 50 mM, c) 75 mM, d) 100 mM and e) 125 mM.

The file "Fig4_data_rheology1.xlsx" contains rheology data for the main text Figure 4, which comprises plots of G* and tan(delta) for OCNF dispersions containing L-Asp as a function L-Asp concentration in the range 0-150 mM.

The file "Fig6B_data_time-lapse-optical-microscopy.xlsx" contains data for the main text Figure 6B from time lapse optical microscopy, extracted using ImageJ as detailed in the manuscript. Relative image darkness (proportional to crystallite density), d, is plotted as a function of time for 100 microL of OCNF dispersions with the following ligand concentrations: a) 50 mM L-Asp only (measured in triplicate); b) 50 mM L-Asp + 15 mM D-Asp (measured in triplicate) and c) 50 mM L-Asp + 50 mM D-Asp (measured in duplicate).

The file "FigS1_data_PXRD.xlsx" contains powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) data for the supplementary information Figure S1, where PXRD patterns are presented for: a) [Cu(L-Aspartate)]n; b) Cu(D-Aspartate)]n as described by I. Imaz, M. Rubio-Martínez, W. J. Saletra, D. B. Amabilino, D. Maspoch, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 18222 (diffraction data extracted from the cited paper) and c) Cu-Asp prepared in water as a reference sample as part of the present study, from copper nitrate and L-Asp.

The file "FigS5_data_rheology2.xlsx" contains rheology data for the supplementary information Figure S5, which comprises plots of G* and tan(delta) for OCNF dispersions containing 50 mM L-Asp (with 100 mM NaOH) and doped with D-Asp at concentrations of 0 mM to 50 mM (with 0 to 100 mM NaOH, accordingly) showing no considerable changes as a function of D-Asp mole fraction.

cellulose, hydrogel, coordination polymer, OCNF, nanocellulose

Cite this dataset as:
Engel, E., Calabrese, V., Hossain, K., Edler, K., Scott, J., 2020. Dataset for "Composite hydrogel spheroids based on cellulose nanofibrils and nanofibrous chiral coordination polymer by green synthesis". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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SAXS and WAXS data for Figure 3B, where combined SAXS and WAXS patterns are presented for pure Cu-Asp as reference (prepared in water) and OCNF dispersions containing L-Asp at the following concentrations: a) 0 mM (control sample), b) 50 mM, c) 75 mM, d) 100 mM and e) 125 mM. C) SEM image of the cross section of an air-dried hydrogel showing bundles of Cu-Asp crystallites.

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Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Rheology data for Figure 4, where G* and tan(delta) are presented as a function of L-Asp concentration in the range 0-150 mM.

Fig6B_data … microscopy.xlsx
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Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Figure 6B optical microscopy data, extracted from ImageJ as described in detail in the manuscript. The three datasets are for: a) 50 mM L-Asp only (measured in triplicate); b) 50 mM L-Asp + 15 mM D-Asp (measured in triplicate) and c) 50 mM L-Asp + 50 mM D-Asp (measured in duplicate).

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Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Powder X-ray diffraction data for Figure S1. Datasets (a) and (b) were extracted from I. Imaz, M. Rubio-Martínez, W. J. Saletra, D. B. Amabilino, D. Maspoch, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 18222 for reference, while dataset (c) was collected experimentally as part of the present study.

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Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Rheology data for Figure S5, where G* and tan(delta) are presented as a function of D-Asp mole fraction in the range 0.1-0.5.


Emile Engel
University of Bath

Karen Edler
University of Bath

Janet L Scott
University of Bath


University of Bath
Rights Holder


Data collection method:

A detailed description of materials and methods used in this study is presented in the manuscript main text under "Experimental Section" and the manuscript is available as open access.

Methodology link:

Engel, E. R., Calabrese, V., Hossain, K. M. Z., Edler, K. J., and Scott, J. L., 2020. Composite Hydrogel Spheroids Based on Cellulose Nanofibrils and Nanofibrous Chiral Coordination Polymer by Green Synthesis. Advanced Sustainable Systems, 5(1), 2000069. Available from:


Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK

Commonwealth Rutherford Fellowship

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

New Enzymatically Produced Interpenetrating Starch-Cellulose Gels

Publication details

Publication date: 30 September 2020
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Engel, E. R., Calabrese, V., Hossain, K. M. Z., Edler, K. J., and Scott, J. L., 2020. Composite Hydrogel Spheroids Based on Cellulose Nanofibrils and Nanofibrous Chiral Coordination Polymer by Green Synthesis. Advanced Sustainable Systems, 5(1), 2000069. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Emile Engel


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