Results of contextualised performance assessment of refugee shelters globally
This dataset contains information about the results of contextualised performance assessment of shelter around the world. 187 previously deployed shelters (64 Emergency, 75 Transitional and 48 Durable Shelters), from 40 countries were evaluated by the authors using SAM (the Shelter Assessment Matrix), and the designs were collated from various sources. Context-specific design assessment was conducted on each shelter design considering their local, cultural, political and climatic issues. These shelters were constructed between 1945 and 2018. This exercise: (i) shows whether SAM is able to provide a diverse range of scores when analysing real shelters (rather than all shelters obtaining similar scores); (ii) provides the first contextual performance analysis of previously deployed shelters around the world; (iii) generates a repository of scored shelters for those to judge their designs against.
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Kuchai, N.,
Results of contextualised performance assessment of refugee shelters globally.
Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive.
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Result of perfo … using SAM.xlsx
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This excel file contains information about the results of contextualised performance assessment of 187 refugee shelters which are deployed around the world
Noorullah Kuchai
University of Bath
David Coley
University of Bath
Sukumar Natarajan
University of Bath
Paul Shepherd
University of Bath
Stephen Lo
Work Package Leader
University of Bath
Dima Albadra
University of Bath
University of Bath
Rights Holder
Data collection method:
One hundred eighty-seven previously deployed shelter designs, from 40 countries were evaluated by the authors using SAM (Shelter Assessment Matrix), and the designs were collated from various sources. Context-specific design assessment was conducted on each shelter design considering their local, cultural, political and climatic issues.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Healthy Housing for the Displaced
Publication details
Publication date: 7 April 2021
by: University of Bath
Version: 1
URL for this record:
Related papers and books
Kuchai, N., Albadra, D., Lo, S., Saied, S., Paszkiewicz, N., Shepherd, P., Natarajan, S., Orr, J., Hart, J., Adeyeye, K., and Coley, D., 2024. Improving the shelter design process via a shelter assessment matrix. Progress in Disaster Science, 23, 100354. Available from:
Related datasets and code
Kuchai, N., Lo, S., Albadra, D., Coley, D., Natarajan, S., Hart, J., Paszkiewicz, N., Adeyeye, K., Moran, F., Ball, R., Holley, J., Orr, J., and de Castro, M., 2020. Shelter Assessment Matrix (SAM). Version 1. Bath: University of Bath. Available from:
Contact information
Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.
Contact person: Noorullah Kuchai
Faculty of Engineering & Design
Architecture & Civil Engineering
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