Dataset for "Asymmetric Backward Peaking Radiation Pattern from a Relativistic Particle Accelerated by Lightning Leader Tip Electric Field"

The purpose of the data is to mathematically model radiation intensity and patterns around a single charged relativistic/non-relativistic particle (electron) specifically for the bremsstrahlung process where the particle is assumed to be rotating in anti-clockwise direction. The dataset consists of four separate Maple worksheets. The first one models the bremsstrahlung particle trajectory. The second one models particle velocity from the leader tip electric field that accelerates particles to relativistic speeds. The third and fourth are worksheets that model the radiation patterns of the bremsstrahlung process around a charged relativistic/non-relativistic particle and it incorporates all the information used in first and second Maple worksheets about particle trajectory and the leader tip electric field, and hence the particle velocity arising from the electric field.

Version 2 of this dataset introduces two additional resources:

1. Maple code "Extended Bremsstrahlung to High Density Mediums" models the bremsstrahlung radiation pattern in high density mediums.

2. Supplementary PDF file "Bremsstrahlung In High Density Mediums" is an extension of the published bremsstrahlung process mathematical model "Asymmetric Backward Peaking Radiation Pattern from a Relativistic Particle Accelerated by Lightning Leader Tip Electric Field" into different, high density mediums.

Mathematical code, Particle Acceleration, Bremsstrahlung, Atmospheric Electrodynamics, Radiation Patterns of a Charged Relativistic particle, Theoretical Physics, Theoretical Modelling, Mathematical Physics
Atmospheric physics and chemistry
Atomic and molecular physics
Mathematical sciences
Solar and terrestrial physics
Superconductivity, magnetism and quantum fluids

Cite this dataset as:
Yucemoz, M., 2022. Dataset for "Asymmetric Backward Peaking Radiation Pattern from a Relativistic Particle Accelerated by Lightning Leader Tip Electric Field". Version 2. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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PhD Bremsstrahlung … 2020 .mw
application/xml (192kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Bremsstrahlung Radiation Pattern

Modelled Leader …
application/xml (210kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Electric field hence the velocity function for the Bremsstrahlung Radiation Pattern

Particle Trajectory …
application/xml (138kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Specifically modelled particle trajectory for Bremsstrahlung Radiation Pattern

Extended Bremms …
text/xml (218kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Bremsstrahlung radiation pattern in high density medium (water). Presents second novel asymmetry about axis perpendicular to the velocity vector (perpendicular to the direction of motion) of the first novel bremsstrahlung asymmetry.


Mert Yucemoz
University of Bath


Martin Fullekrug
University of Bath

Adrian Hill
University of Bath

University of Bath
Rights Holder


Technical details and requirements:

The .mw files are Maple worksheets, written using Maple software version 2018.2. At the time of simulation, this operated on both Windows 64-bit and macOS X Catalina.

Additional information:

The mathematical Maple code is just the mathematical code version of the actual, original theory created from scratch on paper. Maple code is just used to simulate the constructed theory. In order to run the code, start from the very beginning of the code where it says `restart;`. In addition, `restart;` is just there to clear the memory of the Maple software every time when simulating new results with new parameters or with different equations. This enables Maple to get rid of any unrequired numbers, definitions or assumptions that could cause confusions in the results of the new simulation. Supplementary PDF file "Bremsstrahlung In High Density Mediums" is an extension of the bremsstrahlung process mathematical model into different, high density mediums. The final equation presented in the publication defining novel radiation patterns has been extended to processes taking place in different mediums by changing the speed of emitted electromagnetic radiation from the speed of light in vacuum, "c", to the speed of light in different mediums. This in turn reveals a second novel asymmetry which is an asymmetry of the previously introduced novel bremsstrahlung asymmetry. Under vacuum conditions where the speed of emitted electromagnetic radiation is the speed of light in a vacuum, "c", there is no asymmetry in the novel bremsstrahlung asymmetry about an axis perpendicular to the velocity vector (or direction of motion). When the particle travels and radiates in high density mediums such as water, where the speed of emitted electromagnetic radiation reduces, the novel bremsstrahlung asymmetry is no longer symmetric about an axis perpendicular to the velocity vector (bremsstrahlung asymmetry does not occur at same magnitude between forward and backward peaking lobes).

Documentation Files

AGU_JGR_Atmospheres … Mediums.pdf
application/pdf (964kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Supplementary PDF file "Bremsstrahlung In High Density Mediums", extending the model published in the associated paper into different, high density mediums.


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Studentship - Electromagnetic Emissions from Energetic Charged Particles Generated by Lightning Discharges

Studentship - Electromagnetic Emissions from Energetic Charged Particles Generated by Lightning Discharges

Natural Environment Research Council

Radio Tomography for Atmospheric Science

Natural Environment Research Council

Relativistic Electron Beams Above Thunderclouds

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

DTP 2016-2017 University of Bath

Publication details

Publication date: 21 April 2022
by: University of Bath

Version: 2

This is the latest version of this item.

  • Version 1. (19 May 2021)
  • Version 2. (21 April 2022) [Currently Displayed]


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Yucemoz, M., and Füllekrug, M., 2021. Overall Radiation Pattern of Four Bremsstrahlung Particle System. Earth and Space Science Open Archive. Available from:

Yücemöz, M., and Füllekrug, M., 2021. Asymmetric Backward Peaking Radiation Pattern From a Relativistic Particle Accelerated by Lightning Leader Tip Electric Field. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(13). Available from:

Related datasets and code

Yucemoz, M., 2022. Maple Code for "Locating Schumann Resonant Frequencies on a Single Particle Radiation Patterns Using Golden Ratio Spiral". Version 1. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Mert Yucemoz


Faculty of Engineering & Design
Electronic & Electrical Engineering

Research Centres & Institutes
Centre for Space, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science