Dataset for "Use of paediatric injectable medicines guidelines and associated medication administration errors: a human reliability analysis"

This dataset contains the raw discrepancy data from the post-hoc human reliability analysis performed for this paper. Video recordings of paediatric nurses preparing intravenous medicines during a resuscitation simulation (from a previous study) were re-analysed using human reliability analysis to identify discrepancies in the steps required to find and extract information from the NHS Injectable Medicines Guide (IMG) website. These data were combined with MAE data from the same original study. The dataset includes some medication error data from the previous study (dose and rate deviations, error severity score, clinically significant and large magnitude errors) and discrepancy data from this study (hierarchical task analysis node number, error mode, deviation contribution to an error, description of discrepancy).

intravenous administration, guidelines as topic, medication errors, nurses, patient safety, practice guidelines as topic
Information and communication technologies
Medical and health interface

Cite this dataset as:
Jones, M., Clarke, J., Feather, C., Franklin, B., Sinha, R., Maconochie, I., Darzi, A., Appelbaum, N., 2021. Dataset for "Use of paediatric injectable medicines guidelines and associated medication administration errors: a human reliability analysis". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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Raw discrepancy data from the post-hoc human reliability analysis performed for this paper.


Matthew Jones
University of Bath

Jonathan Clarke
Imperial College London

Calandra Feather
Imperial College London

Bryony Dean Franklin
University College London; Imperial College London

Ruchi Sinha
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Ian Maconochie
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Ara Darzi
Imperial College London

Nicholas Appelbaum
Imperial College London


University of Bath
Rights Holder


Collection date(s):

From 1 October 2018 to 22 October 2018


Data collection method:

Full details of the methodology may be found in the Methods section of the associated paper.

Methodology link:

Jones, M. D., Clarke, J., Feather, C., Franklin, B. D., Sinha, R., Maconochie, I., Darzi, A., and Appelbaum, N., 2021. Use of Pediatric Injectable Medicines Guidelines and Associated Medication Administration Errors: A Human Reliability Analysis. Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 55(11), 1333-1340. Available from:

Documentation Files

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Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0


National Institute for Health Research

Can Systematic User Testing of the National NHS Injectable Medicines Guide Improve Patient Safety?

Publication details

Publication date: 24 February 2021
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Jones, M. D., Clarke, J., Feather, C., Franklin, B. D., Sinha, R., Maconochie, I., Darzi, A., and Appelbaum, N., 2021. Use of Pediatric Injectable Medicines Guidelines and Associated Medication Administration Errors: A Human Reliability Analysis. Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 55(11), 1333-1340. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Matthew Jones


Life Sciences
Pharmacy & Pharmacology