Data on the Fragility-Grievances-Conflict Triangle

This dataset merges data on state fragility, developmental grievances and political violence into an annual country-specific format from 1995 to 2018. It is based on the following existing data sources:

1. Fatalities of political violence: UCDP Georeferenced data. URL:
2. State fragility: State Fragility Index of Systemic Peace 2018. URL:
3. Population data: World Bank’s World Development Indicators. URL:
4. Human development: UNDP Human Development Reports (various years). URL:
5. Transparency International: Corruption Perceptions Index. URL:
6. US and other great power interventions: Kivimäki, Timo. Coding of US Presidential Discourse on Protection. University of Bath Research Data Archive, 2019. doi:10.15125/BATH-00535.

The data is produced for an exploration of the associations between several indicators related to developmental grievances, state fragility and conflict. The definitions and operationalisations of the variables of each of the source variable can be found in the above sources, while the methodology of the development of the applied variables can be seen in the do-file of this data. Arguments for each of the applied variables can be found in the associated paper, “The Fragility-Grievances-Conflict Triangle in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA): An Exploration of the Correlative Associations”.

state fragility, developmental grievances, conflict, one-sided violence, non-state violence, Middle East and North Africa
Development studies
Political science and international studies

Cite this dataset as:
Kivimäki, T., 2021. Data on the Fragility-Grievances-Conflict Triangle. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:



merged data 20201222.dta
application/octet-stream (614kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Stata-formatted data file


Fragility-Grievances …
text/plain (23kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Do-file expressing the operationalisation of the data and the analysis performed


Timo Kivimäki
Data Collector
University of Bath


University of Bath
Rights Holder


Data collection method:

The data is based on existing datasets and has been compiled from them by using statistical tools offered by the Stata program.

Data processing and preparation activities:

New variables were created based on the variables in open source datasets (listed in the codebook), to make the data based on country-year observations.

Technical details and requirements:

The Stata program was used to create the additional variables and to merge the existing variables. The do-file attached to this dataset shows how the new variables were created and how the existing open source variables were merged.

Documentation Files

codebook 2021.pdf
application/pdf (123kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Codebook explaining the data, its indicators and use


Arts and Humanities Research Council

Conflict and peace-building in the MENA region: is social protection the missing link?

Global Challenges Research Fund

Conflict and peace-building in the MENA region: is social protection the missing link?

Publication details

Publication date: 27 March 2021
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Kivimäki, T., 2021. The Fragility-Grievances-Conflict Triangle in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA): An Exploration of the Correlative Associations. Social Sciences, 10(4), 120. Available from:

Kivimäki, T., 2023. Could the East Asian Way of Peacekeeping Be a Recipe for Global Peace? Journal of International Peacekeeping, 26(1), 55-79. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Timo Kivimäki


Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Politics, Languages and International Studies