Dataset for 'Simultaneous Formation of FeOx Electrocatalyst Coating within Hematite Photoanodes for Solar Water Splitting'

Depositing an oxygen evolution electrocatalyst on the intricate pores of semiconductor light-absorbing layers of photoanodes for photoelectrochemical solar water splitting is an efficient way to improve their performance, but it adds extra costs and difficulties. Here details of collection methods and the analysis instrumentation are given. Also the raw data of hematite sample analysis and the data for photocurrent measurements and oxygen evolution data are provided.


Cite this dataset as:
Walsh, D., Eslava, S., Zhang, J., Regue Grino, M., Dassanayake, R., 2019. Dataset for 'Simultaneous Formation of FeOx Electrocatalyst Coating within Hematite Photoanodes for Solar Water Splitting'. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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Excel file of Faradaic efficiency calculation for evolution of oxygen

Analysis raw
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Raw analysis data - XRD, UV-vis, sample photocurrents, ECSA, dark current, PEIS and oxygen evolution.


Dominic Walsh
University of Bath

Jifang Zhang
University of Bath

Ruchi Dassanayake
University of Bath


University of Bath
Rights Holder


Data collection method:

The techniques used were as follows: Electron Microscopy – SEM and TEM; X-ray diffraction – powder samples; Photoelectrochemistry – potentiostat and electrochemical cell linked to a calibrated solar simulator light source; X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy for surface analysis of element and oxidation states; UV-visible spectroscopy – analysis of organic compounds and bonding; Raman analysis – analysis of organic compounds and bonding; O2 evolution analysis – fluorescent probe. Powder samples were hand ground before mounting on sample holders for powder X-ray analysis, Raman and UV-visible spectroscopy. For TEM, samples were hand ground then briefly sonicated in propanol before a drop of the suspension was applied to formvar and carbon coated copper mesh grids. For all details see attached Data Collection Methods document and links to related publications.

Technical details and requirements:

Hematite amples for SEM were prepared on electrically conductive ABS-FTO glass, gold sputter coating was therefore not required for SEM observation. Hematite samples for TEM were prepared by briefly sonicating a small amount of sample in propanol before one drop of the dilute suspension was places on carbon coated copper TEM grids. Hematite samples for XRD were prepared by hand grinding before placing in a powder sample holder disk and levelled.

Methodology link:

Park, M. S., Walsh, D., Zhang, J., Kim, J. H., and Eslava, S., 2018. Efficient hematite photoanodes prepared by hydrochloric acid-treated solutions with amphiphilic graft copolymer. Journal of Power Sources, 404, 149-158. Available from:

Regue, M., Armstrong, K., Walsh, D., Richards, E., Johnson, A. L., and Eslava, S., 2018. Mo-doped TiO2photoanodes using [Ti4Mo2O8(OEt)10]2bimetallic oxo cages as a single source precursor. Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2(12), 2674-2686. Available from:

Documentation Files

Data collection methods.docx
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document (17kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Description of data collection methods


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Nanostructured Metal Oxides for Solar Fuels

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre in Sustainable Chemical Technologies

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

EPSRC National Facility for XPS (‘HarwellXPS’), operated by Cardiff University and UCL

Publication details

Publication date: 26 February 2019
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Walsh, D., Zhang, J., Regue, M., Dassanayake, R., and Eslava, S., 2019. Simultaneous Formation of FeOx Electrocatalyst Coating within Hematite Photoanodes for Solar Water Splitting. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2(3), 2043-2052. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Dominic Walsh


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