Items from 2023

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Number of items: 69.

Bacik, K., Bacik, B., Rogers, T., 2023. Dataset for "Lane nucleation in complex active flows". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Bai, X., Fullekrug, M., 2023. Dataset for “Long-range lightning interferometry using coherency”. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Bai, X., Fullekrug, M., Chanrion, O., Soula, S., Peverell, A., Mashao, D., Kosch, M., Husbjerg, L., Ostgaard, N., Neubert, T., Reglero, V., 2023. Dataset for "Height Determination of a Blue Discharge Observed by ASIM/MMIA on the International Space Station". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Baltramonaityte, V., Pingault, J., Cecil, C., Choudhary, P., Järvelin, M., Penninx, B., Felix, J., Sebert, S., Milaneschi, Y., Walton, E., 2023. Dataset for a Multivariate Genome-Wide Association Study of Psycho-Cardiometabolic Multimorbidity. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Barnett, J., Grey, E., Baber, F., Corbett, E., Ellis, D., Gillison, F., 2023. Interview transcripts for "The use of technology to address loneliness and social isolation among older adults: the role of social care providers". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Behera, C., Joshi, A., Wang, D., Sharp, T., Wong-Lin, K., 2023. Code and data for "Degeneracy and stability in neural circuits of dopamine and serotonin neuromodulators: A theoretical consideration". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Bending, S., Curran, P., Gibbs, A., Mackenzie, A., 2023. Dataset for "The Search for Spontaneous Edge Currents in Sr2RuO4 Mesa Structures with Controlled Geometrical Shapes". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Blackwood, L., Litzellachner, L., 2023. Dataset for "How Harassment is Depriving Universities of Talent: A national survey of STEM academics in the UK". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Briggs, K., Trinidad González, Y., 2023. Dataset for Quantifying CPT cone factors in clays derived from weathered mudstone. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Callaghan, C., 2023. Dataset for Paper: Cellulose Acetate Microbeads for Controlled Delivery of Essential Micronutrients. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Code, J., 2023. Dataset for "Speaking Flames – A study of threshold experiences inherent in fire-cræft and the affordances of kindling metaphors for the principles they provide for progressive pedagogy" Ed.D. thesis. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Coles, S., Squires, A., McColl, K., Islam, S., Morgan, B., 2023. Dataset for "Anion-polarisation–directed short-range-order in antiperovskite Li2FeSO". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Dams, B., 2023. Data relating to work concerning the development of a quaternary cementitious system for aerial additive manufacturing. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Dams, B., 2023. Dataset for the results of fibrous plaster tests: Flexural and FTIR tests for moisture and fungal degradation samples. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Dams, B., 2023. Dataset for the results of fibrous plaster tests: Pull-off samples tensile tests. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Dams, B., 2023. Dataset relating to "Cementitious materials data for aerial additive building manufacturing", phase one, 2017. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Dodson, C., Flower, S., 2023. Drug Discovery teaching projects at University of Bath. Figshare. Available from:

Dodson, C., Flower, S., Thomas, M., 2023. A multi-disciplinary team-based classroom exercise for small molecule drug discovery. Version 3. National Teaching Repository. Available from:

Espley, S., Farrar, E., 2023. Dataset for "Machine learning reaction barriers in low data regimes: a horizontal and diagonal transfer learning approach". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Family, H., Scott, J., Alhusein, N., Neale, J., Chater, A., 2023. Dataset on the reproductive health needs of women receiving opioid substitution treatment and the role of community pharmacy. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Gorbach, A., 2023. Data supporting the paper "Trapping of ultrashort pulses in non-degenerate parametric conversion". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Grey, E., 2023. Dataset for "Effects of a Web-Based, Evolutionary Mismatch-Framed Intervention Targeting Physical Activity and Diet: a Randomised Controlled Trial". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Hann, J., Lewis, S., Lyall, C., Kociok-Kohn, G., 2023. Dataset for the Synthesis of N-alkoxycarbonyl pyrroles from O-substituted carbamates – A synthetically enabling pyrrole protection strategy. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Hards, E., 2023. Dataset for ‘I am tired, sad and kind’: self-evaluation and symptoms of depression in adolescents. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Hawkins, W., Šimaitis, J., Shea, A., Allen, S., Marsh, E., Bath and North East Somerset Council, Chapter2 Architects, South West Net Zero Hub, 2023. Dataset for "Pioneering Net Zero Carbon Construction Policy in Bath & North East Somerset". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Hobbs, K., Hoffmann, J., Button, K., 2023. Dataset for “Lack of optimistic biases in depression and social anxiety is reflected in reduced positive self-beliefs, but distinct processing of social feedback”. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Hoffmann, J., 2023. A scoping review of regularization in decision science. Open Science Framework. Available from:

Jacobsen, P., Muddle, S., Jones, B., Chadwick, P., 2023. Dataset for "Mindfulness for voices: An experimental analogue study". Open Science Framework (OSF). Available from:

Jones, R., Miksch, C., Kwon, H., Pothoven, C., Rusimova, K., Kamp, M., Gong, K., Zhang, L., Batten, T., Smith, B., Silhanek, A., Fischer, P., Wolverson, D., Valev, V., 2023. Dataset for "Dense Arrays of Nanohelices: Raman Scattering from Achiral Molecules Reveals the Near-field Enhancements at Chiral Metasurfaces". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Kabakian, V., 2023. Dataset for PhD thesis: Life Cycle of Renewable Electricity Technologies: equimarginal incremental cost determination of ex-ante targets. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Keirouz, T., Mustafa, Y., Turner, J., Lay, E., Jungwirth, U., Marken, F., Leese, H., 2023. Dataset for "Conductive polymer-coated 3D printed microneedles: biocompatible platforms for minimally invasive biosensing interfaces". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Kivimäki, T., 2023. Data on the Effects of Hegemonic Masculinity in US Presidential Speech Acts on Fatalities of Organised Violence in US Wars. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Kivimäki, T., 2023. Dataset on the association between unilateral and UN operations and the number of fatalities of organised violence. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Knapper, J., 2023. Dataset for "Closing the loop in open-source microscopy: Automated focus, scanning, image tiling and resolution calibration on the OpenFlexure Microscope". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Lewis-Atwell, T., Beechey, D., Şimşek, Ö., Grayson, M., 2023. Dataset for "Reformulating Reactivity Design for Data-Efficient Machine Learning". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Male, J., Martinez Hernandez, U., 2023. Dataset for "Deep learning based robot cognitive architecture for collaborative assembly tasks". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Martinez-Hernandez, U., 2023. Dataset for "Soft Tactile Sensor with Multimodal Data Processing for Texture Recognition". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

May, H., Paskell, R., Hamilton-Giachritsis, C., 2023. Dataset for "Having permission not to remember: Perspectives on interventions for post-traumatic stress disorder in the absence of trauma memory". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Mercadier, B., Coles, S., Duttine, M., Legein, C., Body, M., Borkiewicz, O., Lebedev, O., Morgan, B., Masquelier, C., Dambournet, D., 2023. Dataset for "Dynamic Lone Pairs and Fluoride-Ion Disorder in Cubic-BaSnF4". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Morgan, C., Jacobsen, P., 2023. Dataset for "What Should Inpatient Psychological Therapies be for? Qualitative Views of Service Users on Outcomes". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Murphy, L., Bird, D., 2023. Data for "Azimuthal confinement: the missing ingredient in understanding confinement loss in antiresonant, hollow-core fibres". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Neville, G., Dobre, A., Smith, G., Micciulla, S., Brooks, N., Arnold, T., Welton, T., Edler, K., 2023. Dataset for "Interactions of Choline and Geranate (CAGE) and Choline Octanoate (CAOT) Deep Eutectic Solvents with Lipid Bilayers". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Neville, G., Morrison, K., Shilliday, E., Doutch, J., Dalgliesh, R., Price, G., Edler, K., 2023. Dataset for "The effect of polymer end-group on the formation of Styrene – Maleic Acid Lipid Particles (SMALPs)". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Noble, J., Hill, A., 2023. Dataset for "A simplified model for minor and major loop magnetic hysteresis and its application for inference of temperature in induction heated particle beds". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Paloumpi, E., Ozieranski, P., Watson, M., Jones, M., 2023. Dataset for "The future of community pharmacy in England: policy, stakeholder and public perspectives". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Perkin, O., Betts, J., Gonzalez, J., 2023. Oolong Tea Project Dataset for "Postprandial metabolic responses to high-fat feeding in healthy adults following ingestion of oolong tea-derived polymerized polyphenols: a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled crossover study". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Player, L., Hanel, P., Whitmarsh, L., Shah, P., 2023. Dataset for "The 19-Item Environmental Knowledge Test (EKT-19): A Short, Psychometrically Robust Measure of Environmental Knowledge". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Player, L., Prosser, A., Thorman, D., Tirion, A., Whitmarsh, L., Kurz, T., Shah, P., 2023. Quantifying the Importance of Socio-Demographic, Travel-Related, and Psychological Predictors of Public Acceptability of Low Emission Zones. Open Science Framework (OSF). Available from:

Puzyrev, D., Skryabin, D., 2023. Dataset for: "Carrier-resolved real-field theory of multi-octave frequency combs". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Remskar, M., Western, M., Osborne, E., Ainsworth, B., Maynard, O., 2023. Dataset for "Effects of combining physical activity with mindfulness on mental health and wellbeing: Systematic review of complex interventions". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Rickard, E., Ozieranski, P., 2023. Dataset for "Comparing pharmaceutical company payments in the four UK countries: a cross-sectional and social network analysis". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Roberts, M., Allen, S., Coley, D., 2023. Dataset for: Does design-for-deconstruction increase upfront embodied carbon? Life cycle assessment of a deconstructable building. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Rogers, B., 2023. Data set for Optimisation and Experimental Validation of Near-Isotropic 3D Ordered Star Cell Auxetic Structures. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Salmon, P., Zeidler, A., 2023. Data sets for "Mapping the structural trends in zinc aluminosilicate glasses". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Salmon, P., Zeidler, A., 2023. Data sets for "Structure of amorphous materials in the NASICON system Na_{1+x}Ti_2Si_xP_{3-x}O_{12}". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Salmon, P., Zeidler, A., 2023. Data sets for article entitled "Ring compaction as a mechanism of densification in amorphous silica". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Schmitt, J., Calabrese, V., Alves Da Silva, M., Hossain, K., Li, P., Mahmoudi, N., Dalgliesh, R., Washington, A., Scott, J., Edler, K., 2023. Data set for "Surfactant induced gelation of TEMPO-oxidised cellulose nanofibril dispersions probed using small angle neutron scattering". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Sloan, P., 2023. Data set for "Case study of developing an affordable undergraduate observatory" and image of M51 galaxy. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Sloan, P., Shearwood, C., 2023. Dataset for "The Ruchardt experiment revisited: using simple theory, accurate measurement and python based data analysis". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Srisuriyachot, J., 2023. Dataset for Synchrotron micro-CT in kink-band formation of UD-CFRP laminates with microdefects. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Taha Abdalgadir, H., 2023. Dataset for "Insights into the piezoceramic electromechanical impedance response for monitoring cement mortars during water saturation curing". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Thomas, B., Hunter, A., 2023. Simulated Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Sonar (InSAS) Data of the SS Thistlegorm Wreck. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Tonks, Z., 2023. Dataset for Quantifier Elimination and CAD examples in Maple. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Turner, J., Laabei, M., Li, S., Estrela, P., Leese, H., 2023. Dataset for "Antimicrobial Releasing Hydrogel Forming Microneedles". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Turner, J., Lay, E., Jungwirth, U., Varenko, V., Gill, R., Estrela, P., Leese, H., 2023. Dataset for "3D‐Printed Hollow Microneedle‐Lateral Flow Devices for Rapid Blood‐Free Detection of C‐Reactive Protein and Procalcitonin". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Warren, Z., Wenk, J., Mattia, D., 2023. Dataset for "Increased Photocorrosion Resistance of ZnO foams Through Transition Metal Doping". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Wells, S., 2023. FLEXOME software suite. Version 2. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Wolverson, D., 2023. Dataset for "Spin-order-dependent magneto-elastic coupling in two dimensional antiferromagnetic MnPSe3 observed through Raman spectroscopy". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Zepeda Gil, C., 2023. Dataset for "Cold Housing in Central Mexico: Environmental Dissatisfaction and Underheating Lowers Self-Perceived Health in Central Mexico". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

This list was generated on Mon Mar 3 19:14:16 2025 GMT.